
In 2022, you asked me to deliver different results for Readington. We've done that. Now, I'm asking for your support to continue these bold ideas.

While 2022 may not seem long ago, it was a different time. Taxes were rising steadily. Inflation was crippling homeowners. Our police department was underfunded. High density housing was rampant. Township debt had reached unfathomable levels, and the same group had been in control since the 1980s.

Today, things are different. Taxes have remained flat for two years. Debt is down. Over $7m in grants have helped offset capital costs. We've prioritized our police, equipping them with the latest technology and staffing larger shifts. High density housing hits a brick wall before the Committee. We've focused on making Readington business-friendly and cutting burdensome regulations.

Tomorrow, we'll continue these bold ideas. With your support, we'll continue the changes that have made Readington a better place to live. We'll focus on recruiting new volunteers and staff members, ensuring fresh perspectives and leadership. We’ll keep prioritizing transparent communication with residents. And we’ll continue to cut wasteful spending as we further scrutinize the budget, line by line.

We've made great progress, but there's more work to do. I'm asking for your support to keep Readington on this trajectory and I need your help. There are three things you can do:

  1. Vote for me, Vinny Panico, for Readington Township Committee on June 10
  2. Tell your friends, family, and neighbors about our campaign
  3. Attend an upcoming event so we can meet face-to-face

If you’d like to learn more or stay in touch with the campaign, visit
